Using Cardstock paper printing can greatly affect for your prints project

When you’re planning prints project , like business cards, postcard, invitation cards or anything else, you need to send out. The type of material typically used for invitations is cardstock, but your choices in cardstock will seem unlimited. There is no easy answer to “what type of cardstock should I use for so-and-so?” What you want will vary completely, depending on your situation and preferences.

When choosing which cardstock to use, you want to keep in mind that one material may make your invitation card project look washed or splotchy. If you’re willing to play with the process, risk a little trial and error, and trust in advice from experts, then you’ll find the perfect piece of cardstock for your needs. Here’s all the information you need to know on cardstock and what it’s good for.

How you plan on cardstock printing can greatly affect how your project comes out. You can use an at-home printer to meet your needs. It’s quicker, fairly easy, and affordable, but you have a higher risk of messing up the print job. If you do enough research and consult a local print shop, it can be done. If you choose to have a professional print what you need, then it will be costlier, but you know that they’ll turn out perfect.

Cardstock comes in a variety of materials, feels, texture, and prices. To better understand the most prominent of these materials, here’s a rundown.

Cotton Cardstock

Cotton cardstock is a favorite for those who want to laser print. The material has a smooth feel but still is very absorbent. It gives your project a modern and clean look. It’s also a material that is considered “photo safe,” meaning that it’s good for picture printing.

Cotton cardstock only comes in three colors: grey, white, and ivory. Cotton is more expensive than other materials, but the price is justified by the weight, which starts at 92#, and the overall quality of the paper.


It’s photo safe.
It’s absorbent.
It has a modern and clean look.


It only comes in three colors.
The price is higher than other materials available.

Linen Cardstock

Linen cardstock, unsurprisingly, is made to look like linen fabric. It has the same finish and texture as the woven fabric. It’s visually interesting but simple as well. It’s also a material that can hide imperfections, but imperfections only arise if you choose to print yourself. Colors are more varied than cotton but still limited. It’s a more affordable option than cotton cardstock, but still of good quality.


It is affordable.
It’s more visually interesting than many other materials.
It can hide imperfections.

It has a limited color range.

Canvas Cardstock

Canvas cardstock has a texture like linen cardstock. The feel and texture are a bit more noticeable than linen. It’s substantial and thick, usually weighing in at 80#. The basket weave feel is particularly prominent, which works well with other materials that are lighter.  Canvas cardstock can be found in a rather large variety of colors. It is on the higher price end on par with cotton cardstock.


It has a memorable texture.
It comes in a variety of colors.
It’s thick.

It’s a tad expensive.


Parchment is a cardstock material that looks very vintage, which is what a lot of people want for their wedding invitation or other projects. The material is semi-translucent and thin with a slightly marbled look. It only comes in 65# but can pair nicely with cotton cardstock. The feel of parchment is soft and subtle. Parchment usually comes in various shades of brown, but you can find a few pastel colors if you try. Parchment is one of the cheaper options, coming in around or a little cheaer than linin cardstock.


It can be paired with thicker materials.
It gives you a very specific feel.
It’s subtle and soft.
It’s a more affordable option.


It’s pretty thin.
It doesn’t come in a huge range of colors.

What Is Cardstock Used For?

Cardstock can be used for a variety of prints projects. The most popular use for cardstock is for wedding invitations. You can also use cardstock for origami projects, scrapbooks, holiday cards, bookmarks, cartography, posters and more. You can use cardstock to do so much.